though it ended a win...pyramid restaurant. (aside: I'm in this phase where when a word or phrase triggers a song in my head, I feel the need to sing it. the word pyramid just triggered the song "
pyramid" by charice and iyaz. good song.)
dinner with my two favorite albany high '06 people. grace and ritchie. we decided to go to dinner on monday but could not decide on a place. it did not help that ferris and I were late coming to berkeley, which only delayed dinner.
last time in the bmw!

after several hours of bickering and going back and forth on a place, (places within our budget, places we like, places we weren't tired of) we finally settled between venus and/or meridian. venus was the first choice. none of us had ever been there for dinner before. but when we arrived, it was closed. already a bad start. then we decided to hit up option number two, meridian. of course, that was closed too! due to renovations, it would open again in the fall. so here we were with nowhere to eat. then ritchie suggests that we try alice water's restaurant, chez panisse on a whim, or the cafe. the wait for the cafe was about 40 minutes. fail. and though there was seating in the restaurant, we were way under dressed and it was a little bit much at $60 per person. it wasn't fair to make grace pay for a dinner she was going to have with her family next week. so we decided to go off to pyramid. no wait and open late. it was a safe bet. though the food was sub-par last time, I rather enjoyed this time!

started with a pitcher. everyone wanted something sweet, not hoppy, and grace did not like the apricot one, so we got a darker sweet one. the name escapes me. ritchie definitely felt it.

then the free appetizer sampler with the press pass. yum!

then braised pork for mr. mit

fish tacos for me [forgot to take a pic! can't believe it...]
chicken for the lady

and salad for ferris. he didn't want to feel bloated for his graduation.

wanted to go out, but we were all tired. especially ritchie. so, we dropped him back at home. no dessert because everything was closed and we were all full. went back to watch tv. house hunters and then saw 4. fail. but yes, good night with my albany buds.
Sorry for the belated comment, but thanks so much for recording our Pyramid adventure! Your photographs make me SALIVATE especially since my mom doesn't really cook at home. And I miss American food. Anyways 'twas a fun night - let's hang out again this summer!