sorry for not updating in a LONG time. I was literally swamped with my thesis and finals. but now I'm done. done with college,
done. it's over. I can't believe it. I've basically graduated. and this means turning over a new leaf. I was looking for jobs and looking up potential classes for the summer. no jobs on callisto. (all unpaid and babysitting jobs.) clearly the economy is crap. and with my berkeley degree, I want a paid position. I even worked out. right from haas where I had my last final to the rsf. very convenient. I'm about 70 lbs away from my goal weight, so this calls for a healthy diet and exercise. I feel like if I blog about losing weight, I'll have to. so here we are. Imma try.
since it's been so long since my last post, this one might be long.
... a while back (weekend of may 1st), tallin and her friend elga "flowers" came to visit. it was exciting to see tallin again. she came to my last concert too. what a great friend. earlier that day, we had lunch at maoz and then skedaddled through traffic to sf to show elga around.
a walk through people's park. some event went down. can't remember. there was music. why my shirt is unbuttoned, I don't know.

and now for lunch. falafel and fries. dipped in aioli. yum.

on the way to sf, there was a big sista jamming to some old school michael jackson. it was rather loud and the van she was in was shaking quite vigorously. we all made eye contact and danced with her.

this bird reminded me of the peacock jocelyn saw. all I could think about were the avian diseases it might have.

not that I'm some creeper, but tallin really liked this little boy. she made her new baby sounds when we saw him with this freaky balloon lady. cute kid.

we ended up going to pier 39. touristy, but under appreciated. it was a lot of fun.

some pictures in the parking garage with a view. when we were finding a spot to park, this crazy asian woman was racing through the garage and almost hit us. I think she was trying to steal our spot.

the seals are back!

and there's another one in plaid.

afternoon snack courtesy of tallin. mini donuts. covered in sugar. and warm. ugh, so delicious!

and then some drinks to go with it. italian soda (raspberry) for tallin, iced coffe for ferris (that he's literally been dreaming about), iced tea for elga, and then a coco-loco for me (pina colada sans booze).

then elga found a king size snickers in her purse. how great is that! of course I took a piece.

ferris saw this dog being pushed in this cart and ran to take a pic. cute dog, but not as cute as fida's dog, ellie.

tallin bought a cd for her dad. it was by this soothing flute player. very calming. and great support for the local community.

now off to lombard street.

and here's a beautiful house I hope to own one day. I assume the homeowners also own that bmw. lucky bastards.

now driving back to berkeley and taking some pics along the way. some dudes from reno had never been to sf and were amazed by the transamerica building. they called out to us from their cab when they saw that we too were taking pictures. they were really excited. some pics are taken by ferris. thank you!

the next morning we went to brunch. yum-o. another trip to venus. me, tallin, ferris, elga, and our friend vanessa (she's in uchorus too).
quick pic of the music necklaces before going inside.

I ordered the chicken sausage scramble. vanessa had the same, but with fruit. Of course I was very unhealthy. the carrot muffin it came with was bomb. no joke. warm and sweet. I normally don't order eggs at restaurants, but this was so good. and potatoes and sour cream...oh yeah.

elga got the harajuku plate. asian and vegan. the sugar snap peas were delicious.

both tallin and ferris got the eggs benedict. I have to get this next time.

a little fighting over how much to tip, but it was all good. I think we gave like 30%. and then took a quick group shot on shattuck. heifer to the right.

went back to campus to show elga around.

then a trip to the top of the campanile!

and a photoshoot of course.

clear day = amazing views!

some defacing of school property... right over my friend, jenn's face too. (I don't mind being branded. is that bad?)

then elaine came to join us, which was nice! we just sat and relaxed for a bit, while tallin went to speak to an asian family of four generations taking pictures.

cafe strada never looked this cool. the live music really set the scene. definitely made you want to study...

y'all are always welcome to stay! thanks for visiting...

and that was two weeks ago too. felt like yesterday. man how time flies. especially these past four years. life is crazy.
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