I lost $240. I didn't hook up with anyone. and I busted my diet. I'd say it was a good trip.
left on wednesday, and came back sunday. the weather was nice. over 100 everyday but 0% humiditiy. it was just me and ferris for most of the first two days, but it was fun. we ended up gambling at the low budget casinos like the flamingo and monte carlo because of the lower limits. stayed up until the early morning of course, because that's what you do in vegas. the rest of the gang arrived thursday and it was party hardy from there. stay: aria.
I discovered keno, but never won. waste. I played blackjack almost every opportunity I had and was dealt plenty of bad cards. there was this one machine, royal match 21 virtual blackjack, that got me hooked. I loved the busty blonde dealer best. she was the most enthusiastic. the others (brunette, asian, other brunette in swimsuit) were just not as fun and always seemed to get "21" somehow. rigged. unfortunately, I spent the majority of my trip trying to win my money back, as I was down from the beginning. slots and roulette were a waste too. and no success at casino war.
our flight back was at 6:50 am.
trip's over. back to reality. pretty depressing.
i should've stopped keno after my first win. or we should have gone in those 2 times when we chose 15 numbers. next time, well go straight to that strategy