

apologies for being "m.i.a." in regards to this blog. but here are recaps of the events that have taken place in the past week.

weight loss: hit my 8 pound weight loss goal for the "30 day kick". awesome stuff. but that means that the "60 day endurance" will have to commence. not excited about that. essentially more working out and moving into healthier food; no longer just portion control. seriously looking into gym memberships now.

ashley's visit: she came up from torrance and we ended up at max's for dinner. the waiter chose not to write down my order, and then of course, screwed it up! gave me american cheese on my burger when I specifically asked for cheddar. "don't be so cocky waiters! write it down!" had to give me a whole new meal...

then some karaoke at millbrae karaoke house. a little ghetto but a good sound system. we were the only ones there. ashley talked down the $35 price to $20 in korean. I was in no mood to sing, and I really just couldn't do it. I was too nervous. but ashley was good. and ferris definitely gave it a shot.

charlene's arrival: and yet again she lost weight and toned up. envy. but as she "cheats", I "cheat". not healthy whatsoever. purchased the cookies 'n cream cake from safeway. had 1/6. so delicious.

kim's departure: probably one of the saddest events. we did go out for one last time in san francisco last week.

but now, just made one last trip to the oak creek apartments in palo alto. lillian, sid, kim, ferris, and I. a quick bite at in-n-out. I had most of a 590 calorie strawberry milkshake. we people watched in the restaurant. primarily a group of college freshman guys and one girl home for summer. they all probably share the same strain of herpes.
it's "not goodbye, but rather, until we meet again..." hopefully austin this july 4th!

saving $: nonexistent.

spending $: very much the present.

tv: season finale for united states of tara and nurse jackie monday. some more sad stuff, but then again true blood and entourage start soon. so there's always something to look forward to.

jobs: a couple interviews, but still on the hunt for bigger and better things!

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